Apple has found a way to circumvent a Chinese court ban preventing it from selling iPhones in the country, the firm said.据苹果公司称之为,中国政府禁令iPhone手机在华销售,该公司寻找了躲避该禁令的新途径。US chip maker Qualcomm claims Apple violated two of its patents, which resulted in two preliminary injunctions in China earlier this week that force Apple to stop selling a wide range of iPhones there.美国芯片生产公司低别称苹果公司违背了它的两项专利权,本周早些时候产生了两项临时禁令,强迫苹果公司暂停在中国销售很多个类型的苹果手机。
The ban accounts for almost every smartphone Apple has made in the last three years, including the iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhone X.禁令涵括了苹果公司近三年发售的完全所有手机信号,还包括iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus 和 iPhone X.In order to get around the ban, Apple said in a statement it would carry out software updates next week that will address any possible concern about the companys compliance with the order.为了躲避这项禁令,苹果公司在声明中称之为下周不会展开软件改版,让公司遵从这项禁令并且“解决问题所有有可能的担忧”。The alleged intellectual property infringement relates to features allowing iPhone users to adjust pictures and manage applications.容许iPhone用户调节图片和管理应用程序这点造成了知识产权的侵害。Based on the iPhone models we offer today in China, we believe we are in compliance, a spokesperson told.“在中国市场上销售的机型我们指出都是合规的,”一位发言人这样说道到。
Early next week we will deliver a software update for iPhone users in China addressing the minor functionality of the two patents at issue in the case.“针对本案中的两项专利问题,下周早些时候针对中国的iPhone用户我们不会通过软件改版来解决问题这个功能上的小问题。”The ban is yet to come into effect, with all models still available for sale on Apples website in China on Friday. Qualcomm said the court ruling would prevent Apple from importing and selling iPhones.目前这项禁令还没生效,周五所有的手机型号仍然能在苹果官网上出售。低别称,法庭判决将制止苹果手机的进口和销售。
We deeply value our relationships with customers, rarely resorting to the courts for assistance, but we also have an abiding belief in the need to protect intellectual property rights, Qualcomms general counsel Dan Rosenberg said at the time of the ruling.“我们十分珍惜与客户的关系,也很少无视法律手段来谋求协助,但在遵从知识产权维护方面我们忠诚拥戴。”高通公司的法务长唐·罗森伯格说。
Apple continues to benefit from our intellectual property while refusing to compensate us. These court orders are further confirmation of the strength of Qualcomms vast portfolio.“苹果公司持续从我们的知识产权中受益但是拒绝接受为此缴纳费用,这些裁决是对高通专利的更进一步接纳。”An Apple spokesperson previously described Qualcomms effort to ban iPhone sales as another desperate move by a company whose illegal practices are under investigation by regulators around the world.苹果公司的发言人早些时候称之为高通公司禁令iPhone销售的不道德是“高通的又一恐惧之荐,该公司的非法行为早已引起多国监管机构的调查。
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